In collaboration with Associazione Ambiente e Lavoro
May 31 2024
Extended Safety Data Sheet and Risk Assessment to ensure high-level of human health and environmental protection
Description of the course:
According to the REACH Regulation, for hazardous or PBT/vPvB substances registered above 10 tonnes/year the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) must include the exposure scenarios for the identified uses. The exposure scenarios describe the operational conditions and the risk management measures to adopt during the manufacturing, formulation, industrial, professional and consumers uses of the substance in order to control human and environmental exposure. This applies also for the SDS of hazardous mixtures.
The course is addressed to all the operators who, during their activities, need to refer to the exposure scenarios reported in the extended SDS and aims to provide the principles for the description of uses of chemical substances and the bases for the understating and implementation of the exposure scenarios.
List of contents:
The course focuses on the following aspects:
- Exposure scenarios: what, when, where, how and why
- Timing and sanctions
- Risk and hazard
- Identified uses
- Environmental releases and workers exposure
- Toxicological and eco-toxicological data used for the preparation of the exposure scenarios
- Basics concepts of PNECs, DNELs and risk assessment
- Downstream users obligations
- Basics concepts of the exposure scenarios for mixtures
- Q&A
- Fina evaluation