Some substances known as endocrine disruptors (EDs) can alter the function(s) of the hormonal system and may cause adverse health effects in humans and wildlife.

Some substances known as endocrine disruptors (EDs) can alter the function(s) of the hormonal system and may cause adverse health effects in humans and wildlife.
According to Regulation 528/2012 the marketing authorization of a biocidal product is issued only if the active substance(s) contained in it has/have been approved for the relevant product type (PT) of interest.
The Biocides mastery division since 2008 has gained considerable experience in the authorization of PMCs, offering to our customers many services.
The New GB Regime has officially started in 1st January 2021.
Pay attention to be compliant with all the deadlines!
TEAM mastery will participate at the Biocides Europe 2019 conference dedicated to the latest developments of the BPR.