TEAM Academy is the section of TEAM mastery that offers comprehensive training in the field of regulatory chemistry, covering regulations such as REACH, CLP, Biocides, and Plant Protection Products.
TEAM academy TEAM mastery training courses: a glimpse into the world of chemistry regulatory TEAM mastery organizes training courses regarding REACH, CLP, Biocides, phytosanitary regulations and more, addressed to the people in charge of regulatory affair, quality insurance, R&D in…
Insights into the World of Regulatory Chemistry TEAM mastery organizes training courses in the field of REACH, CLP, Biocides, and Plant Protection Products, among others, ranging from more general regulatory topics to highly specific courses. The courses are mainly aimed…
REACH Regulation (Reg. (EC) No 1907/2006) is adopted to ensure the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can arise from chemicals, while increasing the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry. All substances produced or imported…
The Regulation on Plant Protection Products (Reg. EC 1107/2009) aims to ensure a high degree of human and animal health protection, as well as of the environment, through a harmonized legislation for the marketing of active substances with phytosanitary action…
The new Regulation on Fertilizers (EU Reg. 2019/1009) is in place since 16 July 2022 and has repealed the EC Reg. 2003/2003, with the aim of establishing harmonized conditions for the introduction on the european market of fertilizers obtained from…
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The Product Safety division supports clients in all the regulatory requirements, aimed to ensure the safe use of substances, mixtures and/or articles. Our activities consist in verification of the company’s conformity in terms of product safety, definition of the main…
In partnership with: Thanks to a long partnership with a specialized team in the pharmaceutical field and our personal expertise in the risk assessment, we are able to offer a wide range of services in toxicological consultancy. In particular, we…