On Decembre 13th, ECHA has opened a call for evidence to support the preparation of a restriction proposal for chromium trioxide (entry 16 to Annex XIV of REACH), acids generated from chromium trioxide and their oligomers (entry 17 to Annex XIV of REACH).
Interested parties (see also ECHA background note and EC official document), are welcomed to participate by sharing their data and comments at this link, by February 13th, 2024. The requested information can be submitted confidentially and concern:
- costs and effectiveness of risk management measures (RMM) to limit exposure to and emissions of Cr(VI); and
- additional information relevant for the preparation of the restriction proposal (if in possession of robust justification, the stakeholder may propose exemptions to the substance restriction).
More information on the proposed restriction can be found on the European Commission Q&A document.
To receive more information on the substance and the ongoing process, do not hesitate to contact TEAM mastery!