Through third-party consultations, ECHA collects data on the availability of alternatives for substances identified as potential candidates for substitution and information to evaluate whether active substances meeting the exclusion criteria can be exempted from approval.

Recently, on 6th September 2024, ECHA launched a third-party consultation on the derogation to the exclusion criteria for the substance medetomidine (CAS: 86347-14-0, EC: 811-718-6, PT21)  and one regarding  the candidates for substitution for the substance 3-iodo-2-propynylbutylcarbamate (IPBC) (CAS: 55406-53-6, EC: 259-627-5, PT8). For both consultations, comments can be provided by 6th November 2024, end date of the consultation.

Furthermore, a dual consultation, on the candidates for substitution and on the derogation to the exclusion criteria, was  launched on 18th September 2024 for the substance 2,2-dibromo-2-cyanoacetamide; [DBNPA] (CAS: 10222-01-2, EC: 233-539-7, PT12). In this case, interested parties can provide information until 17th November 2024.

To stay updated on important developments related to the approval of these substances, you can visit the ECHA website.

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