From January 2021 companies have to notify to ECHA all articles, placed on the EU market, containing more than 0.1 % weight by weight of SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern, pointed out in the Candidate List This requirement was introduced by Article 9(1)(i) of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC (WDF) in 2018. The notification aims to guarantee access to all the possible information on articles to improve the management of waste and supervise the use of SVHCs, encouraging the replacement of these substances with safer alternatives.

The SCIP database, containing all the submitted notifications, has been recently made available to the public. This new tool, available at the following link, allows consumers to make more informed choices regarding their purchases and support the waste operators in order to improve the recycling process of articles and materials. Data can be searched in the database by article name or brand, product category, type of material or chemical name. The information that is made available concerns mainly the article’s characteristics, associated with the related safe use instructions, and in particular the content of SVHCs. To ensure confidentiality regarding connections between companies in the supply chain the names and related data of companies are not mentioned.

Currently, over 6000 companies in the European Union have complied with the new obligation. The SCIP database now stores around 4 million articles.

If you haven’t complied yet with the SCIP obligation, or if you need assistance, feel free to contact TEAM Mastery. We can offer all the support you need.

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