On 1 July 2024, ECHA updated the “Rolling List” of substances and substance groups to be restricted. This update is an integral part of the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, which aims to reduce the use of substances harmful to human health and the environment. The updated list identifies priority substances for future restrictions, particularly those with hazardous properties such as carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity, persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity.

The “Rolling List” serves as a guide for future regulatory action, ensuring that the most hazardous substances are subjected to timely evaluation and restriction. This update focuses on groups of substances that pose a significant risk, with the aim of promoting a safer and more sustainable environment across the EU. Companies must remain informed of these changes to ensure regulatory compliance and the protection of public and environmental health. The “Rolling List” is available at the following link.

For more information, do not hesitate to consult TEAM mastery!

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