Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are substances or mixtures that alter one or more functions of the endocrine system and consequently cause adverse effects in an intact organism, its progeny, populations or subpopulations. Great interest has risen in recent years on EDs given the increased consciousness on their human health toxicity as well as their toxicity for the environment.
As of today, the REACH Regulation does not provide for specific information requirements for ED properties; nevertheless, many toxicological and ecotoxicological testing Technical Guidelines have been recently updated with the evaluation of toxicological aspects related to the ED properties. Importantly, in the next months the publication of the updated REACH Regulation is expected. Among other revisions, new information requirements for ED properties as well as new risk management measures are foreseen.
This course is aimed at professionals working in the fields of Regulatory affairs, toxicologists interested in the regulatory aspects of EDs and regulatory consultancies in the framework of the REACH Regulation.
This training will provide you with the knowledge on definition of ED in the framework of the REACH and of the CLP Regulation, new hazard classes for ED for the environment and for human health, adaptation of testing Technical Guidelines for the evaluation of ED properties and triggers for ED properties, regulatory aspects for the evaluation of the ED properties of substances under REACH.
The course will focus on the following topics:
- Introduction – overview
- Definition, biological / scientifical background
- Short history
- Methods for the evaluation of ED properties
- OECD 150
- ECHA/EFSA Guideline and ECETOC implementation (the 7 steps)
- General overview of the two guidelines (Human health)
- Case studies (HH)
- General overview of the two guidelines (Environmental)
- Case studies (ENV)
- Status of ED in different Regulations – Overview
- CLP: new risk classes
- Impact on REACH
- Impact on BIOCIDES
- Impact on PPP
- ED Expert Group
- Positive Lists
- Final considerations
To whom:
This course is meant for Regulatory offices of chemical companies, toxicologists interested in studying regulatory aspects, consultants.
Costanza Rovida
(available in English upon request)
4 hours
400 €/person