Corso organizzato in collaborazione con Die Akademie Fresenius
19-20 febbraio 2025
Presentation of the course
This training will provide you with practical knowledge on how to implement the requirements of the CLP Regulation for your products and substances. It will also look at the upcoming changes, delve into the ongoing revision and explore the new Hazard Classes.
You will receive a general overview on the CLP regulation and its classifications, a detailed overview of the hazard classes including the new hazard classes, a detailed information on labelling packaging and poison centre notifications.
This course is aimed at professionals working in the fields of Registration, Product Stewardship, Risk Assessment, Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Regulatory affairs.
Sectors that should take part are: Chemical Industry (REACH), Plant Protection industry, Biocide Producers, Scientific and regulatory consultancies.
During the two days, the course will address the following topics:
- Introduction and general overview about CLP Regulation and history -> Classification: physical hazards; health hazards; environmental hazards; EUH statements; aerosols.
- Practical examples on calculation method for different hazard classes -> Labelling: Article 17 and general prescriptions for labelling; article 18 and product identifiers; exemptions from labelling; UFI code; update of the information on labels.
- Packaging
- Classification and labelling notifications and inventory
- Poison centre notifications -> national notifications; which mixture; UFI code; when to update; when UFI changes.
- Annex VI – Harmonised classification
- Reg. 2023/707 and new hazard classes ED -> PBT / vPvB; PMT / vPvM; Deadlines.
- CLP Revision -> Classification and labelling inventor: ECHA role; impurities evaluation; changes to labelling prescriptions and challenges; digital labelling; online sales; refill stations