The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has released version 4.3 of the APCP-TAB (Analytical Methods, Physico-Chemical Properties and Physical Hazards – Technical Agreements for Biocides), dated October 2024.
The latest updates are:
- Worst-case commercial packaging for storage stability testing (
- Allocation of pre-soaked wipes to a certain formulation type (6.3.1)
- Active substance sources must cover all relevant PTs in a dossier (6.3.2)
- Justifications for data-waiving for explosives and self-reactive properties based on composition, despite the presence of structural alerts and/or unknown constituents (
- Role of water in peracetic acid solutions in organic peroxide classification (7.6)
For all details you can find the full document here: S-CIRCABC – TAB – Technical Agreements for Biocides