ECHA is requesting information on PVC and on the substances used in PVC. The survey asks for the type of substances, volume used, exposure data, etc. Filling the information in the website is easy and fast, but it is very important to react and help ECHA in understanding the applications of PVC and its impact on the market. The information provided to ECHA will remain confidential. This call for evidence consultation is open until the 6th of January 2023.
The European Commission needs to investigate whether the use of PVC and/or its additives cause a risk for the environment and/or human health. There is the need to understand if alternative materials can be applied or if the application of PVC has unique characteristics. The final aim could be the preparation of a new restriction to be included in Annex XVII of REACH.
The survey with additional instruction and the list of substances that are considered relevant as PVC additives is in the ECHA website here.