The List of SVHC Substances Candidate for Authorization was updated on June 10, 2022. The substance N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide (CAS: 924-42-5; EC: 213-103-2), which is used as a monomer for polymerization, as a copolymer of fluoroalkyl acrylate, and in paints and coatings, has been included in the SVHC list due to its carcinogenic and mutagenic properties.
The Candidate List now includes 244 entries.
As a reminder, under REACH, companies are subject to legal obligations when the substances they manufacture, import or distribute, as such or contained in mixtures or articles, are included on the Candidate List.
Specifically, suppliers of mixtures and articles containing a Candidate List substance in a concentration greater than 0.1% w/w must provide sufficient information down the supply chain for their safe use, according to Article 33 of REACH. In the case of mixtures, this information must be provided through a safety data sheet.
Under the Waste Framework Directive, companies must also notify ECHA if articles they produce, import or distribute contain substances of very high concern in concentrations above 0.1 percent w/w. This notification is published in ECHA’s Substances of Concern in Products (SCIP) database.
Importers, manufacturers and distributors of articles containing N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide will then have to notify ECHA of the presence of the substance within six months of the date of listing.
TEAM mastery can provide support to companies that manufacture, import or distribute mixtures and/or articles to verify and achieve compliance with the obligations above.